Hello, thank you very much for developing such a plug-in. This plug-in can save most of the time for the process. But I had some problems when I was testing. I can't import the Maya assets into UE4.The characters and the shot are all such information。

Hi Tianhua
Please try to use Administrator Login to run Maya.
I also installed Maya and UE4 in different disks as your setting, but it works fine about convert processing.
Could you provide more information about what version of Maya and service pack you installed ?
It will help me to track this defect.
The material problem of the model is pistage is installed on the D disk. The path of the picture is lost. There are no other changes. In addition, my Maya is installed on the C disk and UE4 installed on D disk. Is there something to do with this?
Did you make any changes to this character? We noticed that the materials of the vest and the wing looks different. If you did, run the "Sanity Check" tool to see if there is any problems on it.
Which Maya version are you using? Stingray PBS shader in some older Maya version is problematic. Please also try to upgrade Maya to the latest service pack.